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Revivre l’énergie du TTC

Avec Swami Durgananda, Yoga Acharya, Swami Sivadasananda, Yoga Acharya et Swami Kailasananda, Yoga Acharya

20/06/2017 - 26/06/2017

Détails date et heure:

Les dates incluent le jour d'arrivée et de départ. •   Arrivée vers 15h. •   Le jour de votre départ, la chambre doit être libérée à 11 heures.


We consider theses applications very important and review them as quickly as we are able. We will contact you if we have any questions.

French Text Here

À propos Professeurs

Swami Durgananda, Yoga Acharya

Senior student of Swami Vishnudevananda and director of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres in Europe. Her practical and intuitive style of teaching is the result of intense practice and over 40 years of teaching experience. She is the author of the books Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and The Inner Path.

En savoir plus sur Swami Durgananda, Yoga Acharya

Swami Kailasananda, Yoga Acharya

Yoga Acharya and director of the Ashram de Yoga Sivananda. She is a long-time disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda and teaches in Sivananda Yoga Teachers’ Training (TTC), Advanced Teachers’ Training (ATTC) and Sadhana Intensive courses with much clarity, generosity and deep insight. She is author of the book "The Sivananda book of meditation”

En savoir plus sur Swami Kailasananda, Yoga Acharya

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